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Anyway, the general theme of the book is that breeding without adequate resources leads to starvation, so females inherently select males that control adequate territory with which to support the offspring. He documents a large number of examples of territorial competition among males, with death of one of the competitors being extremely rare.

When considering headhunting in isolation and without any context, and given our own backgrounds, most of us would be hard pressed to ever genuinely and completely dissociate the practice of headhunting from urder?in some sense.

Although there are a lot of great artists graduated from art schools. There are also a lot of great artists never go to any art schools.

Taking heads isn't my cup of tea, but I have less difficulty understanding the cultural bases of doing so than I do of the apparent inhumanity of, say, the Yanamano or (closer to home) of the Nazi movement of the middle third of the 20th century in what might arguably have been the most culturally advanced society in Europe at the end of the 19th century.

One point: mortal combat among animals of the same species is not common. The more usual pattern is stylized or ritualized combat over resources (usually territory), in which one member concedes without being killed or injured.

Numerous art galleries was set up, especially on the internet, where the cost is low. Those galleries serves as a great source of pictures and information for art works. With those galleries, the art works will have a greater impact on the human world.

Every culture have their representative art works. For example, the statue of liberty is a symbol of freedom and it's a great art work of French people.

If there

Artists made great contribution to the world. But what they got is usually much less than what whey gave. Many great artists lived a suffering lives. After they are dead, their art works become invaluable.

The sort of most dramatic of the other plausible scenarios is that he became the victim of Asmat headhunters and all that implies. If that was how it happened, the bitter irony naturally is that the young Rockefeller was passionate about the area and had a great interest and respect for a smart people and culture.

In any case, as you say, tales of headhunting and cannibalism can be quite jarring. The really astonishing part of it in my opinion however, is just how relatively common such practices were around the planet.

I just like to add that in the seminal work, rimitive Art? By Boas, which was first published in 1927 I believe, Boas repeatedly cites the pleasure of virtuosity and the satisfaction of aesthetic creativity as one of the principal motivations for creating art.

For example, in the heat of battle soldiers are supposed to kill their opponents. As one recent incident in Faluja, Iraq illustrated however, after an opponent was injured? A soldier who then caused the death of that opponent was deemed a murderer. My intention is not to make any moral judgment here?

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Last modified: Tuesday October 18, 2005.