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I had several friends in various effected areas and they are all safely accounted for to my relief. But, sadly so many and so much has been lost, and while everyone I know directly has turned up safe, there are family and friends of friends who are missing, and at this point I’m afraid that hope of good news at this late date is fading.

Yes Steve P, I’d agree with your final comments on animal behavior. It is a point well taken and indeed my choice of terminology was imprecise.

There's a wonderful book on the subject, called On Aggression. The author's name has momentarily left the page that my brain is scanning - one of the interesting phenomena that occurs with age. I'm completely confident that I will recall it in a little while, so the memory trace isn't gone, it's just temporarily inaccessible.

I imagine Steve P. is familiar with this book, but for others?in a nut shell, the general idea is that those individuals who excelled in artistic pursuits and were witty and creative rendered themselves more desirable in the eyes of prospective mates.

Every culture have their representative art works. For example, the statue of liberty is a symbol of freedom and it's a great art work of French people.

It was then that the famous missionary Rev. James Chalmers and a party of 12 lost their heads and were eaten by Goaribari headhunters. Another missionary reported witnessing over 10,000 skulls in the long houses of Goaribari.

That particular event is extremely well documented, and despite happening over 100 years ago, seems to be an occurrence that left quite an impression - and one that remains on the minds of missionaries and their ilk to some extent if the frequency of references to the incident are any indication.

However, what is probably the most well known incident of this sort in the greater Papuan region, was not directly related to missionary activities. I am referring of course to the disappearance in November, 1961 of Michael Rockefeller while on a collecting expedition for the Museum of Primitive Art (when the museum was closed in 1976 the bulk of the collection went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art).

It is rather just to point out what I see as the striking malleability and cultural specificity of moral boundaries and how in cases like the one just mentioned, a few moments can totally change the acceptability of certain actions. While listening to military briefings in the news, often it is explicitly stated that an objective of some operations will be to "capture or kill" the enemy.

That could be a complete projection on my part, but none the less I understand that it is difficult to address subtle and nuanced issues like this in a language that is not one own. I'll be hard pressed to utter a single simple sentence in German, and addressing issues of more depth like we are discussing here would be out of the question.

Staggering numbers of people are killing and being killed all the time, and television, radio, print and electronic media present these events nearly anywhere we look. More than what culture or time period the victim may be from, I think it is the presence or absence of the umanizing details?

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Last modified: Tuesday October 18, 2005.